Costco TESORO planter

We often get asked if our topiary balls fit in Costco's Tesoro planter. Short answer - Yes! 
Long answer - Yes! The Costco TESORO planter has a 15" width opening.   Our xl sized topiary balls (shown here with our 23" cedar ball) sit nicely on top of the TESORO planter and fills it with abundance.  It adds height, color and dimension, perfect for adding ambiance and the "green feeling" we love.  Bonus, no maintenance.  
Now, will they fit our size Large (16" topiary balls)?  They will fit just inside the edges of the planter, and still is a great finishing touch, just not as large scale.
Don't hesitate with the TESORO planter, they sell out quickly every year.  They place beautifully and make impact at your front door, on both sides of your garage, or on your deck, right next to your patio furniture.  They are light weight, so we suggest adding a cinder block inside them.  This is a perfect object to tie or bungee cord your topiary balls to as well to secure them (no fun chasing your balls down the street).  Though, your neighbour may think it's funny.  ☺️ 

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